We are continuously focused on reducing our environmental impact and creating a sustainable print solution for our clients.

Responsible printing 

From a first glance paper can seem to have sustainable elements, such as being biodegradable and recyclable, however if it doesn’t come from a sustainable source it can still contribute to deforestation and poor forestry practices.

Our print partners use fully FSC certified materials on request

For over 20 years, their sole purpose has been to develop, define and implement rigorous certification standards to set a standard for what defines responsible managed forest. Through this, they are able to safely ensure that their paper is being sustainably sourced both environmentally and socially.

Our suppliers have also achieved the following:

Sustainability in the Office

Our sustainability journey doesn’t stop at printing. We do our best to reduce waste and promote sustainability in the office, and hope to inspire others to do so too!

Energy Conscious

We use LED lighting and enforce an overnight PC shutdown
rule to reduce energy consumption

FSC Certified Office Supplies

All of our office supplies are FSC certified to ensure we can
reduce our impact in-house


We recycle all of our paper waste, inkjets, batteries & toners

Hybrid Working

Allowing our staff to work from home when suitable
reduces emissions

Waste Reduction

We have a think before printing policy, and manage our
resources to prevent waste wherever possible

Choose Sustainable Print

We offer our clients a sustainable print solutions. You can choose from a range of recycled print

PVC Free Banners

Business &
Loyalty Cards

Booklets &

Flyers, Leaflets
& Posters

Letterheads &
Compliment Slips

& More…